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Expert Patent Searches
Because the scope and requirements of each search can vary considerably, GHB Intellect has devised a tiered approach to Expert Patent Search services. The tiered approach is designed to accommodate various levels of search and analysis as required by our clients.
In particular, 5 tiers of Expert Patent Search service are defined with different purposes in mind so that our clients may receive the service that perfectly addresses their requirements. In general, the lower tiers are geared towards providing budget-friendly, high-level, and quicker searches and analyses. On the other hand, the higher tiers are focused more on expanded and detailed searches and analyses, enabling our clients more reliable IP and business planning.
In all tiers, the analyses are made by
- one of our leading IP strategists, who guides the team and the search process towards a high-quality search report; and
- one of our technical subject matter experts (SME) who is highly experienced within the patent portfolio’s technical field; and
- one of our search experts, who is trained and experienced in highly efficient and comprehensive patent, literature, and product searches.
Tiers 3 and above come with a review by our SME to provide an analysis of the top relevant references found in the search results. this will alleviate the need for our clients to hire their own experts and/or to go through the search results to find the ones that are most relevant for their purposes.
Tiers 4 and 5 not only provide more in-depth searches, they also conduct the searches through an iterative process devised by GHB Intellect to fine-tune the search parameters in multiple iterations based on intermediate search results. This will tremendously reduce the odds of a) missing a relevant art and b) including an irrelevant art in the search results.
Upon Purchasing: You will be asked to complete the downloadable GHB Intellect Search Questionnaire using the same contact name and/or email used during the purchase process.