GHB Intellect is a technical and business consultancy, not an accounting, investment or law firm. GHB Intellect does not provide accounting, investment or legal advice, services or representation. GHB Intellect works closely with your accountants, investment advisors, and attorneys and agents to deliver unparalleled expert technical solutions in intellectual property.
GHB Intellect expertly staffs IP projects with highly educated professionals who may hold JD, MBA, MAcc, PhD degrees, may be registered patent attorneys or agents, and may hold other professional certifications and designations. However, because GHB Intellect is a technical and business consultancy – and not a law firm, accounting firm, or financial advisory – it focuses its research, review and support of patents and intellectual property on its expert technology prowess and not on legal analysis. Whenever it works on projects that integrate patents, GHB Intellect works very closely with the customer’s in-house patent counsel or outside IP counsel and outside law firms, often under their direct supervision and as part of their work product, to produce technology and business analysis that is in support of and adjunct to patent attorneys’ efforts. GHB Intellect provides its engineering, research, business, technology, marketing, and monetization services often independent of these professionals when their services are necessitated by appropriate oversight and project requirements.